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American Black Walnut


Color: Heartwood ranges from a deep, rich dark brown to a purplish black. Sapwood is nearly white to tan. Difference between heartwood and sapwood color is great; some flooring manufacturers steam lumber to bleed the darker heartwood color into the sapwood.

Grain: Mostly straight and open, but some boards have burled or curly grain. Arrangements of pores is similar to hickories and persimmon, but pores are smaller in size.

Variations Within Species And Grades: Great variety of color and figure within species, as well as variation in color among boards, especially in lower grades and from material that isn’t steamed prior to kiln-drying.


Hardness/Janka: Janka: 1010; (22% softer than Northern red oak).

Dimensional Stability: Average (7.8; 9% more stable than Northern red oak).

Durability: Moderately dense, very strong, good shock resistance. Not as dent-resistant as oak.

American Black Walnut
American Black Walnut
Please take a few moments to check some of our customer testimonials and then get in touch with us for an estimate on your hardwood flooring needs or to meet with one of our design consultants to custom design your new floor.  You can visit us at our Newark, DE Showroom or we can come to you. Call (302) 731-8009 (Delaware) or (610) 631-3200 (Pennsylvania) or Visit Us.

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