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Red Birch Wood Flooring


Color: Red birch is the heartwood only. The wood is generally straight-grained with a fine uniform texture. Generally characterized by a plain and often curly or wavy pattern. In good lighting can present a cinnamon/gold luster. The heartwood is light reddish brown tinged with red. In sweet birch (B. lenta), sapwood is light colored and heartwood is dark brown tinged with red.

Grain: Medium figuring, straight, closed grain, even texture. Occasional curly grain or wavy figure in some boards.

Variations Within Species And Grades: Yellow birch, sweet birch, paper birch. Paper birch (B. papyrifera) is softer and lower in weight and strength than yellow or sweet birch. However, yellow birch is most commonly used for flooring. Boards can vary greatly in grain and color.

Birch Red
Please take a few moments to check some of our customer testimonials and then get in touch with us for an estimate on your hardwood flooring needs or to meet with one of our design consultants to custom design your new floor.  You can visit us at our Newark, DE Showroom or we can come to you. Call (302) 731-8009 (Delaware) or (610) 631-3200 (Pennsylvania) or Visit Us.

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